The intellectual property (IP) system relates to rights and obligations, as well as privileges and incentives-all rooted from the creation and protection of IP, which "refers to creations of the mind, inventions, literary and artistic works and symbols, names and image used in commerce."
IP rights as basic human rights involve "the right to benefit from the protection of moral and material interests resulting from authorship of scientific, literary, or artistic productions" (Art XIV, Sec 13) in the midst of these seemingly conflicting interests of the creators and innovators and the public, the system seeks to strike a balance between them through legal safeguards.
Otherwise put the system seeks to provide an environment in which everyone benefits from one's creativity and innovation, especially since IP is a tool for economic and socio-cultural development.
There are several compelling reasons. First, the progress and well-being of humanity rest on its capacity to create and invent new works in the areas of technology and culture. Second, the legal protection of new creations encourages the commitment of additional resources for further innovation. Third, the promotion and protection of intellectual property spurs economic growth, creates new jobs and industries, and enhances the quality and enjoyment of life - WIPO Publication 450

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) faced its greatest challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, as the ensuing community quarantine lockdowns curtailed many of our regular public interactions.
The lockdowns also accelerated the ongoing digital revolution as our people had to go online when meeting families and friends, buying daily essentials and groceries, and even finding entertainment as part of the stringent health and safety measures.
That’s why in 2022 and in line with our office’s digital transformation journey, our IP Academy launched the IPOPHL Learning Activities Workspace (ILAW), the first time an Intellectual Property Office (IPO) in Southeast Asia offered an online IP learning system to promote IP awareness.
And to further enhance our program, we’ve recently upgraded the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) that we utilize to teach those who’ve signed up for the ILAW’s online learning projects so that we can provide them with a better user learning experience.
With this initiative to digitalize IP learning, we ensure the health and safety of stakeholders while also creating a convenient environment for them to learn IP. More importantly, this is aligned with IPOPHL’s BRIGHT Strategic Goals with the aim of supporting IP learning initiatives in the ASEAN region.
As part of our mandate to protect our nation’s IP rights, IPOPHL believes that all avenues for IP education should be exhausted if we are to create an IP-conscious and IP-aware Philippines through balanced and effective IP learning and education.
IP awareness is also an essential step to increase creation and innovation among our people, as this will drive more inclusive socioeconomic growth and development in the country.
We hope that through ILAW, all of you will acquire the needed IP knowledge that will help in our collective nation-building efforts to create a better, brighter tomorrow for our people.
- Atty. Rowel S. Barba, Director General, IPOPHL

The Intellectual Property (IP) Academy serves as a national center for IP Knowledge, learning and development, and research and publication.
It covers the entire spectrum, from building intellectual property awareness, development of full intellectual property courses and module offerings, such as, patent drafting, commercialization, valuation, enforcement, and other related courses for professional development.
In addition, IP Academy combines basic, scientific, applied and policy research aimed at discovering new knowledge related to intellectual property and IP-related matters.